About Me

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Florida, United States
I am a simple country girl, trying to live the fullest life I can. I love life and all it has to offer and can't wait for the next adventure to come my way. I love to create with my hands, quilting and sewing being my favorite hobby of many.
"The way of all peace is to scale the mountain of self. Loving others

makes the climb down easier. We see all things darkly until love lights

the lamp of the soul."

The Tenets of Novus Spiritus

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

My little corner of dirt!!

I got my garden going! Love it! Love it! There is nothing better than to feel the earth between your fingers and toes as you work it to grow your own means of substance. I started off just planting a couple of tomaote plants and a squash plant and zuchinni plant, but as I watched them grow, my excitement built so now I have sweet corn, watermelon, collard greens, cabbage, spinach, basil, sweet peas, summer squash, green beans, cucumbers, potatoes and more tomatoes. It is a joy every day for me to get to work the ground, water and tend to my little corner of dirt.

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